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Hero NXT - Special Needs Car Seat

£2 250.00
Special Needs Car Seat - Rear and Forward-Facing - Up to 18 Kg / 2st 11lbs​
Hero NXT - Special Needs Car Seat
Child's height
Child's weight
Padded 5-point harness
Car seat - Position
Swivel Base
Car seat - Installation
Abduction Block
Security Tray
Thoracic Supports
Longer 5-point harness (+10 cm)
Belt to connect the chest straps
Security pad to cover the buckle
Head Fixation
Protection mat (to protect the original seats of your vehicle)
Extra set of covers for the Hero NXT
Free Shipping and Free Custom Clearance (EXCLUSIVE ONLINE OFFER)
Feel free to add any relevant information to your order. If you already a Hero NXT and you are ordering accessories please let us know the serial number of your car seat or the original invoice or quote number to avoid any delays.
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Product Details

Our smallest special needs car seat for babies from 0 years old up to 18 Kg / 2st 11lbs.
With excellent postural support options and tilt-in-space for babies who have poor sitting balance and poor head control.

Hero NXT has a 360° swivel base to facilitate transfers in and out of the vehicle and to swap the position from rear to forward-facing.


Position in the vehicle: Rear or Forward-facing

Installation in the vehicle: ISOFIX

User height: From 61 to 105 cm / 2ft 0in to 3ft 5in
Crown height: From 41 to 53 cm / 16" to 21"
User weight: Up to 18 Kg / 2st 11lbs

  • Tilt-in-space (tool-free adjustable)
  • Swivel base 360° to facilitate the transfers.
  • Colours available: red and black or grey and black
  • Headrest height adjustable (tool-free adjustable)
  • Seat width adjustable (Infill pads)
  • Seat depth adjustable (Infill pads)
  • Padded 5-point harness (Adjustable)


  • Head Fixation (with forehead band)
  • Thoracic supports
  • Abduction block
  • Longer 5 point-harness
  • Padded tray
  • Security pad to cover buckle (Houdinis)
  • Belt to connect the chest straps (Houdinis)
  • Seat protection mat


This product is custom-made and can't be returned.

Once this car seat has been ordered it can take up to 6 weeks to be delivered.

For any information please get in touch with us at or on +44 75 345 775 83

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Hero NXT - Special Needs Car Seat


Charities and Foundations that have helped families acquire our special needs car seats

NOTE: Each charity and foundation has its own set of criteria and guidelines for accepting and funding a car seat.

NOTE: Each charity and foundation has its own set of criteria and guidelines for accepting and funding a car seat.

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